Technology is rapidly changing. Here is St Vincent’s we have a five year plan for developing digital literacy skills to allow our students to function and participate fully in an everchanging digital world. Seven key competencies we aim to develop include functional skills, critical thinking skills, online safety skills, collaboration and creativity skills, information and research skills and communication and netiquette.
In addition to classroom laptops and interactive whiteboards in every classroom and a computer room with a suite of desktop computers, St Vincent’s has two sets of classroom Ipads available for booking by class teachers.
Special education teachers have additional Ipads and we have a number of laptops available to classes. Our recent focus has been to embed the use of IPads to enhance the teaching and learning in literacy and numeracy. We are currently moving into developing coding skills.
A set of Bee-bots is used by younger children to develop their coding skills by creating simple algorithms. The coded instructions are given to these little friendly robots and children can test their thinking by assessing the robot response.
For the last few years our fourth and fifth classes, with resources and support from Johnson & Johnson, have engaged with 3D building and design using Tinkercad on our laptops and Ipads.
Our students are fully engaged with this process and the highlight is bringing their designs to life using the 3D printer we have on loan from Johnson & Johnson.