St. Vincent’s Convent Primary School is a Catholic primary school situated on St. Mary’s Road in the Shandon area of Cork City. The school caters for boys and girls. We are currently phasing in towards being fully co-educational by 2025. From September 2024, we can enrol boys from Junior Infants to 5th class. There are approximately 230 pupils in the school.
The school is under the trusteeship of the Religious Sisters of Charity. It is a Catholic school with a strong Catholic ethos. We aim to reflect the vision of the foundress of the Religious Sisters of Charity, Mary Aikenhead, in developing a sense of Christian meaning in the lives of the young people in our care. The school welcomes children of all faiths and none.
The school has an administrative principal, mainstream class teachers, Special Educational Need teachers, a language support teacher, and a Home School Community Liaison teacher.
You are invited to browse our website and please feel free to contact the school for any further information.